History of Western Civilization

1998 October

Created by Kim (Emerson) Olson 15 years ago
Shawn and I took a couple of classes together at MATC. We would always meet before class to shoot the breeze, and then we'd sit together during class. We'd often pass notes back and forth while the professor droned on about whatever it was we were supposed to be learning. We kept each other amused with our shared understanding of each others sense of humor. It was a fun time:) We had a History of Western Civilization professor who was this hippy-dippy, artsy-fartsy, tree hugging liberal fruit cake of a woman. (I'm sure you can only imagine how fond of her Shawn was.) Well, she decided that she was going to teach us about "true" history - not all the bloody wars and political "stuff" - no sir. She was going to teach us about art and culture and community - she said that's where the "real" history was. I thought Shawn was going to croak! One day while we were in class we had to engage in group discussion about Mesopotamian art and the conclusions it led us to about the people of Mesopotamia. Stimulating stuff, right? Anyway, the guy in front of us turned around to join in our discussion. About 10 minutes in he looks at us and asks if we were married because he thought we made a really interesting couple - especially because we resembled each other! We looked at each other, exchanged a mutual yuck and then busted out laughing. We explained to him that we were brother and sister. He looked confused at first. Then he looked relieved. Then he turned to Shawn and politely asked him "Dude, is it okay with you if I date your sister?" Shawn looks him dead in the eye and sternly says "No way." I knew he was kidding, but the guy looked shocked and Shawn and I started laughing again. I know this is probably one of those stories where "you just had to be there", but never the less, it was a riot to us:)